SL Organic Products


Among the producer countries, Sri Lanka maintains a reputation in organic crop production and exports different varieties of organic products adhering to international standards. For over a decade, Sri Lanka had exported a range of organically certified products. The country is considered the pioneer in the Asian region, to introduce organically certified tea and cinnamon to the world market.

The total area under organic agriculture in Sri Lanka in 2008 was established at 19,191ha (0.81% of total cultivated lands) and this has further increased to 31585ha (1.33% of total cultivated lands) in 2010. Statistics also highlight the significant increase in organic production from 4216Mt in 2007 to 41,128.3Mt in 2010 (IFOAM & FIBL statistics).

Diverse climatic conditions within the country that enabling to cultivate a range of organic products from tropical and temperate. Indigenous knowledge of our farmers contribute to the sustainable organic agriculture with a minimal impact to the environment and produce unique quality of world renowned organic tea, spices and fruits & vegetables.

The global demand for organic products is increasing and expanding new markets with value added organic products. This is the good opportunity to Sri Lanka to increase exports entering to this niche market with high value organic

Major Sri Lankan Organic Products Include :



Advantages of Organic Products

•  Increased global demand and expansion of new markets.
•  Premium prices in the export market, lead to an increase in export earnings
•  Increase in farmers' income by 30% - 100%, compared to the income from conventional produce.
•  Value addition through the conversion of conventional products to organic products is more than 30% depending on the product.
•  Environmental friendly and beneficial for health.


What makes Sri Lankan organic products special ?

•  Indigenous knowledge/ management practices of our farmers to contribute to the sustainable agriculture.
•  Compliance with the green concept with a minimal impact to the environment.
•  Diverse climatic conditions within the country that enabling to cultivate a range of organic products from tropical to temperate.
•  Reputation built up as a supplier of quality products.
•  Available supply of local resources to enhance production.
•  Flexible operation (out-grower schemes, short-term employment labour).
•  Skilled labour.
•  Compliance with the International Standards.