Organic Agriculture

Organic Agriculture in Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka, is an island located in South Asia. It is situated in the Indian Ocean to the southwest of the Bay of Bengal. Sri Lanka is characterized by its diverse landscapes,including lush rainforests,pristine beached and rugged mountains

Sri Lanka has a long history with prospers lifestyle based on Agricultural economy It was ruled by various kingdoms, including the Anuradhapura and Polonnaruwa and their agricultural practices were in line with current organic principles. Small communities gathered in ancient villages and they had Agricultural economy based on ecological farming  which ensure the  well-being of soils, plants, and animals and protect the and enhance the biodiversity.

Sri Lankans Organic farmers are responsible for the careful management of resources and minimizing environmental impacts. They adopt practices that reduce pollution, conserve water, optimize energy efficiency, and promote the sustainable use of natural resources.

One of the salient features of the majority of such non-traditional organic produce is the fact that they are being produced by small-scale farmers in the provinces. There is substantial potential for the growth of this sector.

Organic Agriculture provides a holistic approach to management systems that promotes agronomic, biological, and mechanical methods as opposed to using synthetic materials for crop production and processing. Producers and manufacturers are allowed to make declarations in the marketplace based on standards and established procedures.

These systems facilitate market access, comparability, and competition on equal terms. The use of accredited laboratories, inspection and certification bodies, and mechanisms for verification of the authenticity of certifications and reports by regulatory bodies helps build trust and confidence among trading partners.

Current Status of Organic Industry in Sri Lanka

1.Number of Certification

Sri Lanka has a favorable environment for organic farming due to its tropical climate and diverse agricultural landscape. There are 400 certified organic organizations and cooperatives with over 12000 certified farmer network that work towards promoting organic agriculture and connecting organic farmers with markets. These organizations often facilitate training programs, workshops, and networking events for farmers, creating opportunities for knowledge sharing and market access.

Sri Lanka has export organic products mainly to Europe, USA market, Japan and other destinations are Canada, China, Australia and UAE

2.Certified Products

Organic products intended for export are certified as per international organic standards and regulations of the importing countries. EU, USDA and JAS are the popular organic standards among the Sri Lankan organic stalk holders. The NOCU can provide information and assistance regarding export requirements and certifications.

3.Value Added Products

The organic industry in Sri Lanka has been gradually growing, reflecting an increasing demand for organic products both domestically and in international markets.

Organic certification provides value addition for Sri Lankan agricultural products. The production of organic products in Sri Lanka encompasses a wide range of agricultural commodities, including tea, spices, fruits, Jack fruits, vegetables, rice, herbal products and coconut products. Tea is a significant organic export, with Sri Lanka being known for its high-quality organic tea. Other organic products, such as spices like cinnamon, cloves, cardamom and coconut products are also gaining popularity in international markets


Sri Lanka has taken several steps to enhance and improve Organic Industry. Processing centers have been upgraded to achieve international quality standards such as BRC, ISO22000, ISO 14000, OSHAS etc. More emphasis is given to improving product quality by educating farmers and processors on organic agricultural practices and processing techniques. Small producers are encouraged to convert into organic by providing assistance to obtain organic certificate as per Sri Lankan organic standard SLS1324:2018 and international organic standard like EU, USDA, JAS etc.

With the increase in international demand for organic products and the island's focus on enhancing and evolving its value-added range, organic products  will be a key facet of Sri Lanka's export income.

Sri Lanka, after its pioneering move in introducing organically certified tea to the world market, expanded this product range to non-traditional agricultural products such as:


Coconut Kernel Products

Spices & Its value-added products

Fruit and Vegetables


Essential Oil
